Principal Message

Nature is the art of God.

If anyone ever praised God and pointed us to His greatness, surely it is nature.

But nature isn’t even God’s greatest masterpiece.  His greatest masterpiece is man.

My Dear little children,

You are not only a masterpiece, but a creation based on God’s image.

You are God’s most beautiful creation.   You are created to shine brighter than anything else in all of creation.

 You have the ability to speak of what God has done for you and praise God with your very own lips.

You are beautiful and when you open your eyes each morning you have the ability to share the love

that God gave to you with the world.  Just as the Bible teaches us, nature is proclaiming the glory of God.

What about you?  You have a choice to make.  You are God’s Masterpiece.

 Let others see that your beauty comes from within.  Let them see God through you.

Dear students of Mount Carmel Convent Senior Secondary School, I feel proud to welcome you,

the masterpieces of God’s most beautiful creation to this temple of learning.

 I wish you all the best and God’s blessings.

Have wonderful days ahead.


Your kids deserve the best education

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